Collection: Teas with Theine / Crus / Raw

Two main categories of raw Pu-erh:

Young Vintage 'Raw': More like green tea than anything else, and it's either brand new or not old enough (less than, say, two to three years) to develop any of the aged characteristics of a more mature Pu-erh. It can be floral and sweet or also bitter, but there is an undeniable youth and herbaceous freshness to the brew. Some Pu-erh people hate the taste of bitter young sheng, but others seek it out specifically for these bitter qualities. Poor quality Pu-erh doesn't age well, and time can simply flatten its bright, herbal flavor without adding anything new.

Aged “Raw”: There are many schools of how to age Pu-erh, but all involve controlled heat and humidity to smooth the rough edges of the tea and achieve a darker, deeper brew that tends to s 'register further down your throat and body. Aged raw Pu-erh usually has woody, earthy qualities and notes of camphor or dark fruits, but rather than specific flavors, the important thing here is the depth and body that the tea develops. There is a huge range in how this tea manifests. Like red wine, the only way to get an idea of ​​how aging affects Pu -erh is to drink a lot of it.